Corporate responsibility

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We report on our social and environmental performance.

Reporting and assurance

ArcelorMittal’s corporate responsibility reporting suite includes a concise, downloadable corporate responsibility summary, full reporting on this website, and country and site reports.

Report content

Our approach to corporate responsibility is to drive sustainable change that supports strong financial performance, economic and social development, while managing our environmental impact. This approach is informed through regular engagement with our stakeholders. This report provides a review of our activities in 2012 and details our future commitments, goals and priorities.

Scope of the 2012 report

This report covers ArcelorMittal and its significant operating subsidiaries, excluding joint ventures and associates where we do not have operating control. Profiles of the subsidiaries can be found in the ArcelorMittal 2012 annual report. All financial figures refer to United States Dollars. The information refers to calendar year 2012. ArcelorMittal’s reporting cycle is annual and the previous Corporate Responsibility Report was published in May 2012.

Environmental data omits information for our mining operations, unless otherwise stated.

Data collection

ArcelorMittal’s corporate responsibility indicators are reported using company guidelines, referred to as the basis of reporting. These can be downloaded here.

Reporting principles

We adhere to the AA1000 Accountability Principles Standard (AA1000 APS 2008) which is a principles-based framework for managing and reporting sustainability performance. This standard defines three principles that an organisation should adopt as a framework for sustainability management and reporting. These three principles are inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness. We outline further our application of each of these principles below.

Inclusivity – identifying and engaging with stakeholders to gain a full understanding of issues.

We consider our stakeholders to be those who have a direct interest in our business and those who have an interest in how we manage our business because of the wider impact of our actions. For more information our reporting on stakeholder engagement.

Materiality – determining what issues are important to ArcelorMittal and our stakeholders.

Our process allows us to track and manage current and emerging issues. We prioritise issues following analysis of the relevance and significance of each matter to ArcelorMittal and its stakeholders. Our reporting focuses on the most significant ones. We continually monitor the changing environment in which we operate to ensure stakeholder concerns are captured and managed on an on-going basis.

Responsiveness – responding to material issues and being transparent about our performance

We aim to respond to important issues in a well thought out way. Our response to matters such as the safety of our employees is well established and embedded into our business practices. How we deal with some new and emergingissues evolves over time. Our corporate responsibility reporting provides our responses to these issues.


This report meets application level B+ of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3.1 guidelines, including the Mining and Metals sector supplement. An index containing the GRI indicators we report on can be found here.

This report also provides our communication on progress of ArcelorMittal’s implementation of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles in 2012. Our 2011 corporate responsibility report achieved ‘advanced level’ reporting status by the UNGC.

Forward looking statements

This Corporate Responsibility Report contains forward-looking statements that represent the expectations, beliefs, plans and objectives of ArcelorMittal’s management regarding its financial and operational performance in 2012 and beyond, and assumptions or judgements based on such performance. Future performance expectations are forward looking and accordingly involve estimates, assumptions, judgements and uncertainties. A number of factors may cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from the expectations of our management. These risk factors are outlined in ArcelorMittal’s Annual Report on Form 20-F filed each fiscal year with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and available at ‘Investors and Shareholders – Financial Reports – SEC Filings’.

This web-page was part of Deloitte's CR report assurance scope.