Corporate responsibility

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ArcelorMittal aims to build constructive relationships with all stakeholders.

External stakeholder engagement

Playing an active role in our communities means understanding what matters to local people and listening to their concerns. This is why we work with local groups to help us to prioritise the issues that matter most to them, and invest our time and resources in the best way. We also engage with other stakeholders as part of our overall engagement activities, including non-governmental and governmental organisations.

Our relationship with communities is important to us, and we want to ensure that we engage with them in a productive, positive and consistent way, wherever we are in the world. We have a detailed external stakeholder engagement procedure that all our sites have to follow. This means that every major production site must identify their key stakeholders and their main issues of concern, and then devise a plan to engage with them using an approach that is culturally appropriate. Our sites are also expected to set up a grievance mechanism, so that local residents and other stakeholders can raise concerns and be confident that these will be addressed and tracked.

The group corporate responsibility team supports our local operations to carry out effective stakeholder engagement, both through direct support and training, and by publishing guidance on international good practices. We also share knowledge and ideas across our internal network of corporate responsibility coordinators.

This web-page was part of Deloitte's CR report assurance scope. View Deloitte LLPs assurance statement.