Corporate responsibility

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Our commitment to maintaining high standards in corporate governance.

Governance and ethics

Our governance framework underpins how our company is led, managed and structured, from the composition of our board of directors, to the way we expect each employee to behave. Good governance helps us to operate ethically, wherever we are in the world; it requires openness and integrity in our dealings with our stakeholders, and it supports our commitment to embed the principles of corporate responsibility into how we conduct our everyday business.

2012 progress at a glance

Our commitments Our progress Next steps
Business ethics
  • To have group policies and a code of business conduct that all employees understand and live by.
  • To continuously improve and enhance our compliance programme.
  • Over 80% of employees trained on the code of business conduct.
  • Compliance governance charter and instruction on monitoring of political contributions adopted.
  • Ethics and compliance workshops held in the CIS1 region*.
  • Publish additional guidance on acceptance of gifts and entertainment** and third party due diligence.
  • Enhance regulatory risk assessments through development of specific tools.
  • Start implementation of data protection procedure.
Human rights
  • To train all our employees on their rights and responsibilities.
  • To integrate human rights into our everyday governance and business practices.
  • 85% of employees trained on human rights.
  • Deployed an assessment tool to monitor implementation of our policy relating to the use of force and arms by our security personnel and contractors.
  • Publish guidance on good practice in community grievance mechanisms.
  • Conduct two security and human rights assessments in high-priority locations.
Responsible sourcing
  • To set responsible sourcing standards.
  • To collaborate, innovate and embed responsible sourcing into our business processes.
  • 295 major suppliers assessed against ArcelorMittal’s code for responsible sourcing.
  • Approx. 400 buyers completed responsible sourcing online training.
  • Continue to develop our responsible sourcing approach through the annual supplier assessment and in collaboration with suppliers.

KPI: We report on our progress against the key performance indicators that monitor the four areas of our corporate responsibility strategy.

1Commonwealth of Independent States.

This web-page was part of Deloitte's CR report assurance scope. View Deloitte LLPs assurance statement.

*The main focus of these workshops is anti-corruption. 
**A procedure giving additional guidance on offering and receiving gifts, entertainments and other expenses, defining thresholds and authorisations processes (as well as other procedures and reporting requirements) has been released in the meantime.