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The research and development team works closely with a wide network of scientific and academic partners

Researching the future of steel

The research and development team’s network of scientific and academic partners aims to deliver new and improved steel for customers

New and improved steel products, solutions and processes are the daily work of research and development (R&D) at ArcelorMittal. To meet the ever-growing demand of worldwide customers and continuously upgrade ArcelorMittal’s scientific knowledge and attract technical talent, R&D works closely with a wide network of scientific and academic partners. ArcelorMittal global R&D team has official partnership agreements with around 50 such bodies.

The partnerships we have developed provide a host of mutual benefits and stimulate new areas of research. In addition to our relationships with major customers, we have link-ups with other industrial companies and partnerships with universities and research centres all over the world.

Collaborative projects, together with permanent networking between the members of the ArcelorMittal scientific community, help us maintain our leadership in R&D.

Long-term partners and international networks

Our relationships with our long-term partners, partner universities and partner centres link ArcelorMittal R&D with the global scientific community. We have long-term partnerships with academic universities in Belgium, Canada, France and the US. We also have partner universities in Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain, Ukraine and the US. Our partner centres, which can be private or public but are not integrated within a university, are located in Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland and Spain.

We also have several thematic international scientific networks. These cover the most important fields in which we collaborate with the scientific community, such as steel construction, steel forming and physical metallurgy. They aim to improve the efficiency of collaborative work and help to attract the best students, while opening up a strong international and industrial approach.

These networks are steered by ArcelorMittal's global R&D department and coordinated by corporate long-term partner laboratories. 

We are also members of other international scientific and technical networks on strategic topics initiated and led by us or by external bodies. These ‘non-proprietary’ networks are open to other materials and to any interested entity.

Our partners and networks regularly contribute to or organise international scientific and technical conferences and symposia on subjects such as metallurgy, surfaces, industrial processes, recycling and challenges for specific markets, as well as run internal events and workshops to share knowledge.

We also sponsor chairs at the following institutions:

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