We believe the diversity of our workforce brings fresh ideas, perspectives and experiences to our business. It makes ArcelorMittal a stimulating environment where we aim to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate fully. We are proud of the fact that we have an extraordinarily culturally diverse workforce, with operations in more than 60 countries, and employees from many more countries.
We respect the individuality of every person working with us, and embrace the opportunities that diversity in the workplace brings. We know that our diverse workforce makes us more innovative, and we are taking extensive measures to ensure that openness and inclusivity are integral to the way we work, at every level.
With a presence in 60 countries, we are a truly global company and we want our workforce to reflect this. Our diversity and inclusion policy drives our ambition to become a company that encompasses different cultures, generations, genders, ethnic groups, nationalities, abilities, and social backgrounds.
We are proud that our workforce has a rich cultural diversity. In addition we are now focused particularly on improving the gender balance within the business and supporting women leaders. We firmly believe that this will help ensure that we are maximising the talent and skills within the organisation. ArcelorMittal’s Group Management Board is fully committed to creating and maintaining a more diverse and inclusive culture within the group, and ensuring that ArcelorMittal becomes an ‘employer of choice’ for women. In 2011 a Global Diversity and Inclusion Council was created as a first step towards this goal. With membership including two Group Management Board members and four members of the management committee, the Council comprises five are men and five women. The council defines the gender diversity and inclusion strategy, identifies the barriers and challenges that women face in the business, and will establish key performance indicators.
This web-page was part of Deloitte's CR report assurance scope. View Deloitte LLPs assurance statement.