Corporate responsibility

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Our external assurance opinion.


We believe that independent assurance leads to quality and process improvements and reassures readers and ArcelorMittal’s management that the information we publish is accurate and material, and therefore contributes to building trust and credibility with key interest groups.

External assurance of corporate responsibility reporting

We engage professional assurance providers who combine the strengths of non-financial assurance experience with technical competency in environmental and social standards. This is the fifth year that our corporate responsibility reporting has received independent assurance.

As in the previous year, we asked our group auditors Deloitte LLP to provide limited assurance on our application of GRI G3.1 guidelines, AA1000 APS principles and on selected corporate responsibility performance indicators in accordance with the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board's International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE3000). The following performance indicators were assured by Deloitte: CO2 emissions per tonne of steel, total CO2 emissions (steel only) and lost time injury frequency rate.

Deloitte LLP provides an independent third-party assurance statement which can be found here. The online pages included within the assurance process are identifiable by the Deloitte LLP footnote and link.

As part of the assurance process, Deloitte LLP provides a private management report to ArcelorMittal’s corporate responsibility coordination group, and presents findings and recommendations of the assurance process.

This web-page was part of Deloitte's CR report assurance scope. View Deloitte LLPs assurance statement.